The ROR for star and non-star hotels in Sumatera Selatan Province in January 2023 was 44.29 and 20.47 percent, respectively - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Muara Enim Regency

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The ROR for star and non-star hotels in Sumatera Selatan Province in January 2023 was 44.29 and 20.47 percent, respectively

Release Date : March 1, 2023
File Size : 2.29 MB


·         In January 2023, no foreign tourists (tourists) visited Sumatera Selatan through the Palembang Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin (SMB) II Airport entrance.

·         The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) for star hotels in January 2023 was 44.29 percent, a decrease of 14.33 points compared to the previous month's TPK which was recorded at 58.62 percent. Meanwhile, the TPK for non-star hotels for January 2023 was recorded at 20.47 percent.

·         The highest ROR for star hotels in January 2023 occurred in 4-star hotels, namely 49.96 percent and the lowest in 1-star hotels, namely 35.25 percent.

·         The average length of stay of guests at star hotels in January 2023 reached 1.38 days, a decrease of 0.30 points compared to the previous month which was recorded at 1.68 days.

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